- Introduction to "Golf for Beginners"
By Tom Ward, Professional Golf Instructor
Through the years of golf development there have been some differences of opinions among golf professionals regarding various details of mechanics and playing techniques -- the stance, pivot, or swing most suitable for one player not being the best or most suitable for another. The theory and practice of almost every golf-Instructor varied from that of others in some respect, and each would teach their own theory, or own method, and their own game to their respective students. Many things have contributed to the elimination of most of these differences; and basic fundamentals are agreed upon. As a result, standard golf instruction is now available to golfers desiring to play better golf.
- The quickest and most effective way to playing good golf is through study and practice.
From these golf "lessons" you will gain the necessary knowledge of what to do and how to do it. Practice will develop your skill and playing technique; experience will develop your judgment. Knowledge of what to do and practice of how to do it is the shortest route to accomplishing your goal of playing good golf.
- The first thing a beginner or high handicap golfer must learn is motion.
Whether it is in golf or any other sport, the correct motion is vitally important in your basic foundation for creating a good golf swing. In order to teach the correct motion, I will break down the whole movement into 5 basic body actions. When my pupils train their ownselves to make these actions reasonably well in a short period of time they have no trouble playing an enjoyable game of golf.
