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Terms in Golf
gallery The group of tournament spectators. gimme: A putt that is certain to be made on the next shot and
will most likely be conceded by an opponent. golf The game. Played by playing a ball from the teeing ground
into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules of
Golf. golf glove A glove generally worn by a right-handed golfer on the left
hand, and by a left-handed golfer on the right hand, to improve the grip. gobble An obsolete slang term meaning a hard-hit putt that holes
out. goose-neck Having the neck of a club curved so that the heel is
slightly offset from the line of the shaft. gorse A shrub primarily found on linkland type courses. It is a
spiny evergreen with bright yellow flowers. Same as whin. grain: The direction in which the grass on a putting lies after
it has been shortly cut Grand Slam The four major championships: the British Open, the U.S.
Open, PGA Championship and the Masters. graphite - A lightweight material used to make shafts and clubheads.
green: The whole golf course according to golf rules. However,
in popular usage, it refers to the putting surface. green committee Members of a golf club who are responsible for the
maintenance and management of the course. green fee The charge made by the course to allow the player to use
the course. green jacket The prize awarded to the winner of the Masters Tournament.
greenkeeper The employee of the club who is responsible for the
maintenance of the course. greenside Adjacent to the putting green. grip: The part of the shaft by which the club is held. Covered
with leather or other material. Also means the manner in which you hold the club
groove Linear scoring on a clubface> gross score : The actual number of strokes taken by a player for hole
or round before the player's handicap is deducted grounding the club Placing the clubhead behind the ball at address. ground under repair: Any part of the course being repaired is ground under
repair. A ball that lands in such an area must be removed without penalty. gutta percha Material used in the manufacture of early golf balls. It
was a hard, molded substance made from the sap of several types of Malaysian
trees. These balls were in use from 1848 until the early 1900's.